Reasons Why Sir You’re Hot is Nostalgic

I read this book out of curiosity. People were talking about it, and it became one of the sensational stories on Wattpad. Add the fact that the writer is a dear friend to me – oops, did I just say that?

Okay, I told myself I won’t be giving a review of this book. But my fingers are itching to hit my keyboard and my mind stubbornly goes back to that time when all I could do right now is just smile and shake my head because of shame and disgust towards myself (this girl has grown up y’know). Anyway, I do not particularly disagree with the student-teacher love affair, but I don’t agree with it either, morally speaking. Anyway, I could have enjoyed the story more if Railey and Rebecca didn’t reach that let’s-just-enjoy-this-feeling stage and the condo unit visits. The story might be more of a catch for me (and therefore more nakakakilig) if they just kept their relationship purely student-teacher and saved their romance later when Rebecca graduates.

But what makes the book interesting to me is the fact that I can see myself in the scenes as I turn its pages. It made me go back to my college days, forcing me to conjure the memories that I’ve kept in the forgotten area of my head never to be remembered again. 

But here we are. 

Mr. Charming Professor. For my own personal safety, I won’t mention the professor’s name. It was a Monday morning and I was late for my first class, so when entered my assigned classroom where the sophomores were still chattering, I felt relieved. It never crossed my mind that the guy standing in front, talking animatedly to the student was THE professor. He looked like an engineering student who was campaigning for the student government – with his plaid shirt, jeans and sneakers!

The fan club. Yes! Of course, there was nothing official on our campus. But one would think that a celebrity might have just arrived at the sight of a group of school girls flocking right down the corridor. My professor wasn’t really that hot (his eyes were adorable, though), but the way he talks in class, and the way he smiles whenever he asks our opinion about the lesson made him too adorable to behold.

Debate team. I was the president of our college’s debate society by default (as I remember, nobody else ran for the post!), and it was indeed time-consuming. Time-consuming in a way that we had to support every activity of the college student council and conduct fund-raising events to finance our planned projects. And though we didn’t have Mr. Charming Professor as the team’s adviser, we had our argumentation professor (who incidentally was my favorite of all) agreed to fill the post.

The gang. Back in college, there were also four of us who are constantly together – in group work, thesis, field research, interviews and all of the whatnots of the oh-so-busy college life. And though I was the only one among us four who qualified to be in Mr. Charming Professor’s fan club, I wasn’t the irregular gal.

College life. Of course! The seemingly endless research work, going in and out of the school library, the regular visits to the municipal library, computer printouts of term papers and reaction papers, student council meetings, chasing for the feeling-we’re-in-Hollywood professors, cramming, memorization of the Philippine Constitution, mentally taking notes of the terms and definitions of the International Law (just to name a few) were more than enough to drive me mad all those school girl days. But I miss them all, terribly. I miss the “cafeteria by-standings”, the never-ending exchange of thought regarding Rizal’s life and work, interviews with the politician, the frequent visit to the House of Reps, and even the friendly arguments. I guess nothing beats the enjoyment of being a student.

I couldn’t say much more, except for it was a short but fun read. The story of some person from whom you’ll learn how to use lipstick over crayons and pencils. Good job!

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