The Time Keeper, Mitch Albom

It took me longer than usual to update my bookshelf, and now that I have done so, I could say that I am very much satisfied with the stuff that I have updated it with.

I finished reading The Time Keeper five days ago and Mitch Albom once again didn’t fail to make me think about one life aspect that most people would overlook. This book was all about time. More often than not, I feel like I am always running out of time, as if 24 hours in a day is not enough for the things I want to do (which, to be very honest, are not really a lot). Always chasing, always in a hurry, and looking back, I never really thought about how I spent all the time that was in my hands.

Life without timekeeping is much less complicated. We have time for everything – time to eat, time to work, time to go to bed, time to go to church. I remember when I was a kid, life was not that complicated, although, there was also a time to play, time to study, and time to watch TV. Everything we do seemed to be time-dependent. But the birds keep on singing, the dogs keep on barking and the ants keep on looking for food anytime they want or feel like it. Animals don’t have the concept of time, so they just continue doing what it is that they are meant to be doing. Time never seems to run out for them.

Time is always running out for those who chase for it. Sarah Lemons feels like time is always running out, as she chases for Ethan, wanting him to love her back. Victor Delamonte, a wealthy businessman is being eaten by cancer. Time runs out for both of them, thinking that their lives could have been better if there is plenty of time ahead of them.

We are never alone. As Sarah busies herself for Ethan, loneliness began to consume her just as she realizes that her love for him will never be reciprocated. She never took the time to look around her and find people that truly cared.

We cannot alter the future by manipulating the present. As Victor is so used to power and authority, he sought help in finding a way to immortality. He planned to delay his own death, thinking that it was possible for him to live another century. But when Father Time showed him what happens to him some centuries into the future, it only brought him disappointment and rage.

Time has to end eventually. Time is eternal for heaven and earth, but not for us, humans. According to the book, there is a reason why God designed time to be limited. It is for us to make every moment precious.

How do we spend time? 

Time is probably the most precious gift that one would ever give. There aren’t many people who are willing to spare a few minutes to show they care. Like in the case of Sarah in the story, had she spent her time thinking about loving herself and showing other people that they are also worth her time, she won’t be as devastated as she was about Ethan. At one point in my life, I was like her. Focused on just one person’s love, thinking that that is the only person who can save me. But then I’ve learned just how other people could care for me more than that person could. All that I needed was just a few minutes to find them.

Time is everything. Let us not use all of it to work, acquire power, chase wealth, and think that we have all the time in the world. Let’s make every minute count by making other people happy in simple ways that can make a big difference.


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